Some Myths Busted

Mental health has often been a matter of contention due to its subjectivity and variability.  It may mean differently to different individuals and even to the same individual at different times, more so to the people with mental illnesses who may have frequent relapses. Myths around the subject create confusion and ignorance amongst those seeking clarity on day to day issues pertaining to mental health. Hence, it is important to be clear on what are the facts and what remains a myth so that one can maintain adequate physical and mental fitness.

Let us discuss some of the common myths with their scientific facts today. The list is not exhaustive for obvious reasons, yet the most important ones are covered here. You may leave your queries in the comment section for any clarification.

  1. Skipping meals is ok. I can always catch up later.

FACT – No its not ok to skip meals. Skipping meals can cause binge eating in the next meal which causes obesity in the individual.  Also, low glucose level in brain can cause poor concentration and low productivity.

2. I don’t need 8 hours of sleep. Who sleeps for that long?

FACT- Sleeping for 8 hours is necessary for a healthy body and a heathy mind. Sleep induces happy hormones in the body and maintains the chronobiological clock in rhythm.  It enhances attention & concentration and keeps the hormonal cycle in check. Yes, there are some long sleepers who may need upto 10 hours of sleep daily. And there may be some short sleepers, who may do fine with 6 hours of sleep. But lesser than 6 hours is not a healthy way of doing it. Oversleeping on the weekends and under sleeping on the weekdays is also not a healthy practice.

3. It is ok if I don’t work out. I take the staircase daily in the office.

FACT – No its not. Regular exercise is not only required for a fit body but also for a healthy mind.  It boosts energy level, releases happy hormones, enhances attention and improves blood circulation. It also fights depression, anxiety and stress in general.

4. Mental illness CAN NOT happen to me.

FACT – It CAN happen to anyone, absolutely anyone!!! Mental illnesses don’t discriminate on the basis of gender, social class, economic class, religion or caste. It may happen to anyone at any time just like cancer and other physical illnesses.

5. Mental illness is a sign of weakness.

FACT – Mental illness is not in anyone’s hands. Its not a sign of weakness or strength. It is just a matter of imbalance in neurochemicals which can happen to anyone at any time. Just as any  medical illness, mental illness can happen to one irrespective of how that person feels and behaves in general.

6. People committing suicide are responsible for their actions, may be they deserved it.

FACT – No one deserves to commit suicide. It is sad how a mental illness pushes someone to take such an extreme step. Individuals cannot be held responsible for their mental illnesses. No one deserves to end their life. A person with mental illness needs to be supported and treated. Suicide is preventable with proper treatment and a good support system!

7. Mentally ill people are mad.

FACT – People with mental illness are NOT mad. Most of the times, they are not even aware of their odd behaviours. The lack of insight makes them unaware of their problems. All they need is support and a good treatment.

8. Mental illness occurs due to bad parenting.

FACT – It is true that healthy parenting makes the kids healthier. But it is also true that mental illnesses can crop up even in the most loving and caring families. As mentioned previously, mental illnesses are due to chemical imbalance in brain circuitry. The social context influence the progression of the illness but does not cause it.

9. Mental illness occurs due to super natural phenomenon.

FACT – Mental illnesses occur because of chemical imbalance in brain circuitry. It has nothing to do with external factors such as bad weather, evil spirits, supernatural powers etc.

10. People with mental illness can never get better, never go back to work.

FACT – With proper treatment and a good support system, people with mental health problems can lead a near normal life. They can get married, can bear children, can raise them properly and have a meaningful and content life.

11. Medicines given for mental illnesses are sleeping pills.

FACT – Medicines given for mental illnesses are meant to get one’s neurotransmitters back in balance. They are safe and effective. Like all other medicines they may also have some adverse effects but the benefits outweigh the risks in most cases. Some of them may cause minor sedation, but that effect goes in a short while once the person starts taking them regularly. One must ask their doctor clearly about this side effect.

12. Medicines are addictive in nature.

FACT – Medicines for mental illnesses need to be taken for a longer time because they are slow to act and take longer than the usual medicines to start showing their effect. There is always a scientific way of starting them (slowly increase the dose ) and stopping them (slowly reduce the dose) . That is why an expert is required to prescribe them. Also, when patients try to self medicate themselves or stop the medicines abruptly, they start having problems and they falsely conclude that they have got addicted to medicines. If a proper treatment is taken under the guidance of a professional, one can easily get rid of his/her medications.

13. People with mental illness will get better if they are married off or if they bear children.

FACT – Marriage or children are not a solution to mental illness. In fact, these things come with their own responsibilities and pressures. One should try to get better before taking these decisions so that they are able to enjoy these beautiful phases of life and  fulfil their role as a partner or a parent.

14. People with mental illness are dangerous for society.

FACT – Statistics quote that persons with mental illnesses are more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators of crimes. Sometimes, they do get homicidal or suicidal ideas but with proper treatment, the thought process can be brought back to normal.

Wishing you the best of mental health today and always,

Dr Apala

4 thoughts on “Some Myths Busted

  1. Very good article busting all the myths that i and most of the people in our country adhere to regarding mental illness.
    Your insight in the field really helped me to burst my wrong bubble and moving forward towards my normal self.
    Thank you

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