100 things to do during the COVID-19 lockdown

  1. Catch up on sleep
  2. Organise your almirah
  3. Write a diary
  4. Pursue an old lost hobby
  5. Finish unfinished tasks
  6. Video-chat with your loved ones
  7. Read a self-help book
  8. Cook a new recipe
  9. Learn a new skill
  10. Meditate
  11. Compose a song
  12. Declutter your room
  13. Choreograph a parody
  14. Create a new drawing/painting
  15. Sew your favourite old torn clothes
  16. Have a look at the old photographs
  17. Organise your transcripts/documents
  18. Watch a movie
  19. Make a greeting card for a friend
  20. Explore a new hobby
  21. Play video games
  22. Create a scrapbook for a loved one
  23. Watch old videos
  24. Build a picture collage for a family member
  25. Sing along with karaoke
  26. Play with active sand
  27. Try an energising activity such as Zumba or power yoga
  28. Join an online course
  29. Dance on your favourite song
  30. Talk to an old friend who has lost contact with you
  31. Do charity
  32. Make a To Do List for after the lockdown period
  33. Shop online
  34. Mould some clay
  35. Plan your next holiday
  36. Play with beads
  37. Handcraft junk jewellery
  38. Play board games
  39. Play UNO
  40. Write a letter to a loved one
  41. Bake a cake
  42. Exercise
  43. Listen to music
  44. Plan your finances
  45. Paint a flower pot
  46. Write a poem
  47. Try knitting/embroidery/crochet
  48. Explore your future holiday destinations
  49. Water the plants
  50. Learn a magic trick
  51. Wash your dirty clothes
  52. Do gardening
  53. Learn about computers
  54. Socialise on WhatsApp/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
  55. Click a lot of selfies
  56. Recite your favourite prayer
  57. Try Origami
  58. Read a biography of an inspiring personality
  59. Laugh out aloud
  60. Try some new make-up tricks
  61. Manicure and Pedicure with your favourite scrub and lotion
  62. Give yourself a cool haircut
  63. Try Nail Art
  64. Browse all about outer Space – galaxies, black holes, newly discovered planets etc
  65. Write gratitude emails to your old teachers/professors/bosses
  66. Re-organise your kitchen
  67. Decorate your living room/bedroom/bathroom
  68. Play your favourite childhood playlist on YouTube
  69. Stitch new clothes for yourself
  70. Call a child and tell her a story
  71. Update your general knowledge
  72. Read about extinct animals
  73. Learn five new words daily
  74. Play a musical instrument
  75. Clean the fans and the lampshades in your house
  76. Learn a card trick
  77. Make paper bags from old newspapers
  78. Learn a new language
  79. Try calligraphy
  80. Read an encyclopaedia
  81. Start a virtual online club with your friends – Book club, Sports Club, Movie Club etc
  82. Mend your broken shoes
  83. Author a story
  84. Make a soft toy
  85. Weave a dreamcatcher
  86. Re-organise the furniture in your house
  87. Create your own Blog
  88. Start your own YouTube Channel
  89. Do the Rubik’s cube
  90. Solve Jigsaw puzzles
  91. Play Hopscotch in the balcony
  92. Juggle as many balls as you can
  93. Blow up balloons
  94. Play with a yoyo
  95. Make a giant floor maze
  96. Create a pinball set up and role a ball into it
  97. Lay a Domino pattern and set them off into a falling chain
  98. Create a terrarium in a big jar
  99. Thank God that you are alive!
  100. Be grateful to Almighty that you have the opportunity to read this post!

Wishing you the best of mental health today and always!

Dr Apala

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