Tips for fighting Depression and Anxiety

Do you feel terrible at the smallest things?

Are you always on the edge?

Do you have trouble relaxing or keeping yourself calm?

Do you feel guilty at the tiniest of conflicts?

Do you have problem sleeping at the right hour?

Are you easily annoyed even when it is not required?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, it is time you got a thorough assessment done by a mental health expert. These could be signs of a mental health condition such as depression and anxiety. Here are some self-help tips for you to get back to your normal self!

  1. Consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible – Just like you visit a physician for a physical ailment, you must visit a psychiatrist at the first sign of a mental health issue. It not only prompts an early diagnosis, it also helps in nibbing the illness in the bud at the earliest. As the dictum goes -the earlier, the better!
  2. Start the meds if the expert says so – There is no shame in taking medicine for a mental illness if that is what works for you. Getting back to normal should be the aim and working on all fronts to get there seems to be the best option. Mental illnesses are chemical flaws in the brain, and these need chemicals to set the balance right.
  3. Get enrolled for psychotherapy – One should work upon one’s coping mechanisms and correcting the faulty cognitive processes to maintain the recovery initiated by the meds. Your psychiatrist will be much more confident to stop your medicines once she is sure that you are ready to handle crises in a more effective manner.
  4. Try Yoga/Meditation – There is remarkable scientific evidence which suggests that yoga and meditation improve anxiety and depression, though consistency and persistency are the keys to recovery. Do not forget to practice deep breathing along. It is never too late to start meditation even if it is for 15 minutes a day!
  5. Take timely meals – Eating the right food at the right time in the right quantity is the fundamental goal in staying not only physically fit but also mentally sound. Six to eight small frequent meals interspersed throughout the day – that is what the nutritionists suggest globally to stay fit and healthy!
  6. Exercise regularly – Exercising releases happy hormones in the body which are natural antidotes for depression and anxiety. An individualized regime for 40 minutes a day for at least 4 days a week preferably in the first half of the day can work wonders for mental health!
  7. Follow Sleep Hygiene – These are simple hacks for a better sleep at night. Click here to know about the sleep hygiene.
  8. Pursue hobbies – Spending an ear-marked time daily on a leisure activity releases sufficient happy chemicals in the body to combat boredom and stress. If not daily, pursue hobbies at least on the weekends. Make music, write a poem, craft an art piece, or do whatever calms you down and brings peace to your mind.
  9. Reduce screen time – It is recommended to restrict the screen time to 2 hours per day. Especially during the lockdown and working from home, we just keep switching between different screens whether its smartphone, laptop, television or tablets. Let us engage in more physical work and less screen work!
  10. Restrict tea/coffee intake – Excessive tea and coffee lead to hypervigilant states which may mimic anxiety. Moreover, these distort the sleep architecture and are often abused by people to self-medicate for depression and other mental health problems. Restricting the intake to 2 to 3 cups a day and avoiding them after late afternoon would be a good idea!
  11. Avoid alcohol/smoking as much as possible – Psychoactive substances modulate the brain circuits in a way that the brain gets dependent on these in the longer run. Besides, some people tend to self-medicate for depression and anxiety by consuming excessive quantities of alcohol and tobacco, which make the mental illness even worse in the longer run. An honest discussion with your psychiatrist about all kinds of psychoactive substance use can solve the problems faster and in a more efficient manner!
  12. Try grounding techniques – These are the reinforces to our mind that there is no actual threat but only a perceived fear. In the middle of an anxiety spell, practice deep breathing and try seeing 5 different objects, feeling 4 different textures, hearing 3 different sounds, smelling 2 different odors, and tasting 1 flavor. These grounding techniques are quick distraction from anxiety and easy tricks to get back the focus on reality.
  13. Write a diary – Scribbling down one’s thoughts is a great way of venting them out from one’s system without any other individual’s involvement and judgement. It also redirects the emotions and helps to understand ourselves better.
  14. Practice mindfulness – Practice mindfulness in order to live in the current moment. It teaches us how to not judge our own thoughts and remain out of constant worries. Deep breaths and mindfulness go long way together!
  15. Maintain gratitude journal – Write a gratitude note daily about a person or a thing for which you are thankful to Almighty. It shows how lucky we are to have such wonderful things and people in our vicinity. It brings positivity and boosts confidence in general.

Wishing you the best of mental health today and always!

Dr Apala

5 thoughts on “Tips for fighting Depression and Anxiety

  1. Totally can relate with the stuff and self felt the benefits of the tips. If reached to the ones who are in despair or not able to understand what and why these stuff going on with the them, the article then will fulfill its true purpose.😇

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