Etalk : Handling Grief and Anxiety during the Pandemic

Had an excellent session with over 80 participants. The talk was for 40 minutes after which had a very interactive Q & A round. People from different professional spheres across all age groups joined the talk and seemed to have benefitted from it. It was also attended by many healthcare professionals and even psychology and psychiatry trainees. Deeply satisfying and good learning experience.

11 thoughts on “Etalk : Handling Grief and Anxiety during the Pandemic

  1. The talk Session I found very informative and thought generative, very informative talk , will love to be part of such talks in future also. Regards

    1. The session content was quite well structured and informative. Overall quite captivating and covered quite practical solutions, for how to structure the daily routine and ways to stay optimistic.

      Dr Apala puts in her hard efforts to prepare the concept of her sessions. Its quite well appreciated. 😊

  2. I found the whole session really helpful and I would urge everyone to take part in these E-Talks by Dr.Apala.

  3. The session conducted by Dr. Apala was rather fruitful and extremely comprehensive. With a clear understanding on how to handle grief and it’s various ramifications, I believe we all had a great range of learnings to takeaway and practice in our own lives.
    Looking forward to more of such insightful sessions.

  4. It was a v v informative session in dis Covid era..people r facing such an unexpected circumstances which r beyond imagination..v all need to handle our stress..dis was surely a beneficial talk for all..dr. Apala is a v good psychiatrist who know her subject v well n a v good human being..

  5. The session was much needed in these times to cope with all overwhelming emotions generating due to pandemic and taking care of our mental health.
    Would like to be part of more of these.

  6. The talk on “Management of grief and anxiety during Pandemic times”was enriching and informative and much needed in the current situation as people are struggling to gather their thoughts and trying to be normal with each passing day which is filled with grief and anxiety.Looking forward to more such talks in future.

  7. The session was very informative,which I think general public are not aware of, also got to know tips to handle our mind.In this time it was much needed.Looking forward to more such sessions.Thank you for taking such initiative.

  8. Very informative and much required session during these challenging times we are living through. Thanks Dr Apala for your generosity in providing these platforms and outlets.

  9. Dr Apala, you have explained so nicely what a common person can understand very easily .
    You have elaborated all the common problems which usually a person faces in daily life .
    I liked n got benefitted a lot through your talk about diet, exercise, sleep , behaviour, past n future thinking etc .
    So nice of you.. In future also I wish go ahead, n do good to uplift the society n try to solve the problems prevalent in our society n talk n write for social cause.
    So nice of you. Thanks a lot dear.

  10. A very enriching and informative session! It was a much required talk in the current time when people are struggling to deal with the loss of their loved ones. Dr. Apala gave some very useful tips and explained everything in a very elaborative manner. Looking forward to more such talks!!

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