E-talk – Adolescence and Mental Health: The Urban Outlook

Date: Saturday, 10th July 2021

Time – 4:00 to 6:00 PM

Venue – Zoom Meeting

Audience – Adolescents ( 10 to 19 years of age), Parents

Description – We will be discussing life skills, mental health issues such as self image and self esteem, basic sexual health and relationships with the adolescents and their parents. Session will be followed by Q&A. Main focus of discussion will be how to deal with the metro city lifestyle with both parents working and adolescents stuck at home during the pandemic.

5 thoughts on “E-talk – Adolescence and Mental Health: The Urban Outlook

  1. Dr. Apala is very good and she gave wonderful insights on teenage issues especially the life skills that every teenage should posses and parents should responsibly work towards it in developing those skills in their children for their emotional , social and mental well- being . Thanks ma’am

  2. Many Thanks for taking up this topic.
    You touched upon all important points that children of this age group usually encounter and discussed best practices.
    Quite relevant and this surely resonate.

  3. Thank you Dr. Apala for the session. It was very helpful for me as a parent of a teenage son to understand the areas where they may not ask for but certainly need parents attention. It was also very insightful and helpful for my son to discuss issues with you specially some of those that he was not very comfortable discussing with us. You pertinently addressed his query like a friend.

  4. Scientific information with practical guidance for teenage, parents. Excellent effort by Dr Apala.

  5. Dr. Apala’s talk was quite insightful and enriching. She gave very relevant details about the problems an adolescent faces and how together with parents we can get over them. I felt that the Life skills section in her presentation is like a tool kit every parent must work on, and the results will surely be excellent!

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