Anxiety disorders comprise of a group of disorders in which the main feature remains worries and apprehensions about things that are beyond one’s control.
Some individuals experience free floating anxiety about daily activities that persists throughout the day, while some have irrational fear and hence severe anxiety in special situations such as closed spaces, crowded spaces from where the escape may be perceived difficult by the individual. It may also manifest as palpitations, sweating, butterfly sensation in abdomen during social events (while on stage, during viva exam, talking to opposite gender people etc). Some individuals suffer from sudden severe feeling of impending doom with palpitations, sweating and tremulousness which starts and resolves on its own for short periods. Anxiety is very commonly associated with depression also.
The cause of anxiety is sited as disturbances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, oxytocin and some others.
It is one of the most common and most easily treatable condition which resolves with medications, counselling and some behavioural techniques. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness also help in controlling anxiety.