According to International Classification of Diseases-10, Depression affects 1 in every 5 individuals in their lifetime. It is a disabling illness as only the sufferer realises what he/she is going through. There are no externally visible symptoms or signs and sometimes revelation that an individual was suffering from depression occurs at the time of suicide.
Most common symptoms of depression are low mood, low energy levels, easy fatiguability, loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities. Other symptoms could be sleep disturbances, appetite changes, reduced self esteem, poor attention and concentration, negative views about self, surrounding and future and ideas to end life.
It may be mentally tiring for a depressed person even to carry out activities of daily routine such as bathing, taking meals and interacting with loved ones. How much ever one tries, it remains tough to get up from the bed in the morning.
If you or your loved one has any of these symptoms, please meet a mental health expert at the earliest. Depression is a treatable illness and the affected individual, if treated adequately, gets back to normal routine and leads a normal life. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with your psychiatrist as it helps her to understand you better.