Psychoactive substances such as Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana ( weed or joint), opioids ( morphine, heroine, smack, spasmoproxyvon), cocaine and others are habit forming products. If used constantly, these psychoactive substances alter the brain circuits making it more and more difficult to quit them. If you or your loved one has three or more of the following six , you may need to see a psychiatrist soon –
- A strong desire to consume the substance
- Difficulty in controlling substance taking behaviour
- Having troubles on sudden stopping of substance intake (sleep disturbances, tremors, headaches, ghabrahat etc )
- Continuous intake of increased amounts of substance in order to achieve a high or pleasurable affect, previously achieved at a lower amount
- Progressive neglect of alternative pleasures or interests because of substance use
- Persisting with substance use despite clear evidence of overtly harmful consequences in personal, social, professional or other domains of life.
Substance dependence is a fully treatable illness if the individual is motivated to acknowledge his problems and is willing to take help of an expert.