
With incidence of 1 percent, schizophrenia remains one of the most challenging mental illnesses. The most common symptoms include having false fixed beliefs out of keeping of an individual’s background, hearing voices or seeing images not apparent to others, suspiciousness…

Substance Use Disorders

Psychoactive substances such as Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana ( weed or joint), opioids ( morphine, heroine, smack, spasmoproxyvon), cocaine  and others are habit forming products.  If used constantly, these psychoactive substances alter the brain circuits making it more and more difficult…

Bipolar Disorder

The illness is characterised by episodes of mania and depression. In mania, most patients experience overcheerfulness, oversocialization, excessive goal directed activity (shopping, charity, gambling, promiscuity, religiosity) reduced need for sleep, racing thoughts and inflated self-esteem. On the other hand, depressive…


Depression Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia Anxiety Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Substance Use Disorders Child and adolescent problems Geriatric problems Suicide Sleep Disorders Eating Disorders Migraines Irritable Bowel Syndrome Other Mental Illnesses


According to International Classification of Diseases-10, Depression affects 1 in every 5 individuals in their lifetime. It is a disabling illness as only the sufferer realises what he/she is going through. There are no externally visible symptoms or signs and…