Do you feel terrible at the smallest things? Are you always on the edge? Do you have trouble relaxing or keeping yourself calm? Do you feel guilty at the tiniest of conflicts? Do you have problem sleeping at the right…
World Suicide Prevention Day 2020
Suicide is a sign of mental illness. Let us start a conversation that matters! To learn more about suicide, please click here.
Diary of a psychiatrist
Yes, I am a psychiatrist and it is a tough work! No doubt it is a highly satisfying job, yet it is one of the most challenging jobs to be dealing with other people’s cognitions, emotions, and behaviours, especially the…
When to seek help for a psychological problem?
Many of my friends and family members ask me – When do we know it is time to seek professional help for a psychological problem? On the face of it, it looks like a remarkably simple question but if we…
Suicide – What it is & What it isn’t
Suicide, by definition, means self-inflicted death with explicit or implicit evidence that the person intended to die. It is one of the most complex human behaviours with biological, psychological, and social ramifications. It is mostly the result of an underlying…
Thyroid Disorders and Mental Health
Thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland situated in the anterior region of neck. It is one of the most important glands in the body for physical and mental health. It has a direct impact on emotions, cognitions, mental processing,…
How to discipline your child
Disciplining a young child can be one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Whether you are a strict parent or a lenient one, you will have to learn the tricks of the trade to groom your children into…
Screen Time Recommendations for Children and Adults
Many parents, these days, find it difficult to schedule and divide their kids’ time in different activity domains. As a result, when kids grow up, they have trouble setting a limit to these activities. The most notorious to manage is…
All about Stress Eating
Food and mood are closely related at all levels. We eat not only to satisfy our hunger but also to satiate our emotions on several occasions. Many people, during the times of stress, boredom, loneliness, frustration, and similar negative emotions,…
All About Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic, disabling and recurrent condition characterised by abdominal pain and/or discomfort often relieved on passing stools and is associated with change in either frequency or form of stools or both. It affects 10 to…